Now Available on Audible and Amazon: The Audiobook!

As  Philo-The-Third told me, his father – Philo T. Farnsworth The Second – had ‘two major cases in his life.

The first was electronic video.  You wouldn’t be looking at this if he hadn’t cracked that one back in the 1920s.

Over the course of the next thirty-plus years, Farnsworth gained as much first-hand knowledge about the practical workings of the quantum realm as anybody who worked at Los Alamos.  In fact, he was invited to participate in The Manhattan Project, but declined the invitation, telling his wife “I want nothing to do with building an atomic bomb.”

Instead, in the 1950s and 60s, he used his experience and singular insight to conceive and build something not even the assembled wizards at Los Alamos could fathom: a controlled nuclear fusion device, a ‘start in a jar.

This second preview from The Boy Who Invented Television recounts the moment he figured it out:

The audiobook edition is now available on Amazon or Audible.

Y’all get yer ears on!

1 thought on “Now Available on Audible and Amazon: The Audiobook!”

  1. Just finished reading the book. Well done. I’m going to see if it can have some therapeutic value for one of my teen nephews (just ordered one for him.) He has joined the ranks of millions of youths that are addicted to video and phones. The phone never leaves his hand. I say addicted because like all addictions ones life is limited to feed the addiction. One last thread of hope is his occasional urge to read a real paper book. Your book is so engaging. It’s my hope it helps him see the medium from a new perspective and maybe be inspired by Philo’s awesome life ethic. Thanks Mr. Schatzkin. This book really needed to be written. Next I’ll get him your other book about T. Townsend Brown.

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